We’ve been happily tracking the paths of Shadowrun products from the printer to the warehouse, and two of them are almost ready for release! The one that will come out first is called the Johnson ’Dex, a deck of cards featuring a variety of Mr. Johnsons to drop into any Shadowrun game. With a profile and image on the front and game stats, plot hooks, and other game information on the back, this deck is a useful tool to add characters or entire new plots to a game. We should be releasing this for sale in the next week or so! Here’s the front of one card to give you a taste.

Then there’s Double Clutch, the core rigger book for Shadowrun, Sixth World. That one will take a little longer to go on sale, but all that means is we get to do previews all September long! Our first preview takes a look at a page of the build-your-own vehicle chapter. If you want to make the Sixth World chopper, sports car, speed boat, or t-bird of your dreams, Double Clutch has the rules to help you do so!